Saturday, March 20, 2010

Pre-Super Junior Concert

It's the day of the concert today!! Now people, I know I'm supposed to be over K-Pop and all. (Highlighted by not one, not two, but five of my college friends. Thank, you guys!) I never said I would never listen to/sing K-Pop songs. I'm just not addicted to them and I'm not gonna stalk them. Again, I was just talking about stalking them...I'm not really gonna do it (Yeah, I have Borderline Personality Disorder mixed with a little Passive-Agressive Personality Disorder sometimes). Like Sue said, I'm gonna get trampled in the crowd with all those probably younger and definitely crazier than me fans.
Oooohhh..them being in Malaysia feels so surreal. They're gonna drive on the roads I use everyday. And it's sooo nearr my house! I hope I can see the front stage....anyone has a good pair of CSI material binoculars?
Before the concert, my friends and I are gathering to watch the Super Show 1 dvd. Just to get the hyped up feeling before the real thing. Woohoo~ waiting for 7 hours is finally gonna be worth it!

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